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Women's Personality Type Fits Your Favorite Lipstick Color

Women's Personality Type Fits Your Favorite Lipstick Color
Women's Personality Type Fits Your Favorite Lipstick Color
Women's Personality Type Fits Your Favorite Lipstick Color. There are certain reasons behind wearing lipstick or lip dye. Not only make women more beautiful and sexy and confident. As it has been offered by recent study from Harvard University and Cover Girl, lipstick worn women turns out to determine personality and characteristic of themselves. Additionally under the brand can also be influential in terms of looking for work.

Gee, Let's see the full reviews.

  • Red

lipstick lovers this is usually a party lover. These women are usually more creative and daring. When applying for a job and you wear red lipstick so the companies are more interested because you are considered a person who dares to take risks. In addition to any woman's skin tone, red lipstick will always match worn.

  • Pink

Woman with
pink lipstick is considered more friendly and fun. The results showed that senior executives are more likely to have a pink color, while junior women wear plum or nude. If you want to meet a lot of people in a relaxed atmosphere, choose this color lipstick.

  • Plum, Purple and Brown

The woman who
loved the color is seen as independent and self-sufficient woman. During the interview or face new clients use this color because you will look strong and confident. With shades of dark lipstick always look professional and ambitious but still in reasonable extent. This color is also very fitting for a date at night in order to appear attractive.

  • Nude

When you want to appear warm and attentive try wearing your favorite nude lipstick. Women with nude lipstick color is regarded as a private matter and open. This woman is considered a warm personal, attentive, sweet, reliable and beautiful.

If you prefer the color of lipstick, what the hell? Come Share your opinions in the comments field.

Good Luck! Thank You For Reading Women's Personality Type Fits Your Favorite Lipstick Color



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